October 9, 2006

Matthew 10:16

Posted in life, serving God, wise at 8:14 pm by franciscachong

“See, I am sending you out like sheep into the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.”


  1. Stephan Babics said,

    In my search for truth I have found the leaders of the beast are the Illuminati.That name is a word symbol:LUMEN is the Latin word for light”. The Illuminati are of the false light wisdom with out (Love)This also reflects in the name Lucifer the impassion and head of the dark force of a fallen Cherub in the Luciferian Rebellion against Heaven.The Luciferian order of history of the Rothschild,s plot claiming to be of the Merovingian bloodline and the Holy Roman Empire has lead us a blind sheep straight into the Global ression the tension could easily ingnite soon reguardless.
    Please research this Email message. Who is the Illuminati why do they belive the book of Enoch is the lost book of the Bible ? follow there pursuit for the new word order pulse Digg HAARP -Project Blue Beam . MATTHEW 10:16

  2. Stephan Babics said,

    I have a request along with my email I just sent . go to http://www.youtube/go2nu8 and see my channel you can find a lot research that has been done Thur my subscriptions .I have not place all the web searches on the channel for public viewing . We are face to face with evil so monstrous that that the American mind has not come to realization it is in our own mist .

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